Fulani most famous food

 MLA citation: Fulani People History – Checkout Africa.Checkout Africa.Checkout Africa.June 02, 2015. November 04, 2015

My favorite food is Latchiiri, it’s eaten mostly by Fulani people. It’s made from Fermenting Milk into Yogurt and eaten with Corn cous-cous known as Latchiiri, either in the same bowl, or separately. The corn cous-cous is steamed several times to make sure that it’s well prepared, then it’s cool down. The milk is fermented for one day and the day after it’s cool down too. The mixture of the milk and the corn cous-cous is the Latchiiri. It’s eaten in many others countries but mostly in Guinea. Sometimes, it’s eaten on special occasions such as baptism or during some holidays. Latchiiri can be eaten with sugar or salt, it depend on taste but most people eat it with sugar because sometimes the milk is sour.

2 thoughts on “Fulani most famous food

  1. Dear Fatoumata
    Foods as a part of countries culture act as a connection between people.
    I will try to cook this Latchiiri to taste it.
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