Genius hour project reflexion

In my Genius Hour project, I researched about “How to teach events by using a blog”. It was very interesting doing researches about that topic because I got to learn about many things which are useful in real life. I found that by using a blog, you can develop international relationship all over the world and by the same time you are giving  information to everyone. If I had to grade myself according to all the effort I put in this topic, I would give myself a B (85). I found good sources which I referred to while writing about my topic. However, I also have to consider the presentation in class during which I think I did good overall. I think that what I shared in class helped the world because knowing about what’s happening in the world concern everybody.If we know a good way to teach events, it will help the world but also us because we will have knowledge on that area.

For my next Genius Hour project, I will put more pictures that world and I will try to work on my self control so that I will not mess up my project. Three Genius Hour topics I want to explore for my next project  would be about Dinosaurs evolution, What is the purpose of a Graffiti, The advantage people in jail have.

One thought on “Genius hour project reflexion

  1. Hi Dear Fatoumata : )
    First of all I could say you have made a great blog!
    nice ABOUT ME page with complete necessary info
    nice layout and background color
    completely categories
    You are welcome to Edublogs’ Student Challenge and will be your Mentor in this 10 weeks challenge. (you could find more about Mentor in this post )

    As you know we have a different topic and program each week and you could find them in
    I hope following these programs your blog be one of the best in final week.
    If there is any question about blogging or challenge you could leave a comment on your blog and I’ll find that.

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